Greetings and welcome to a very special episode of
Oh My Crap!: I've Just Abandoned Everything I Know, Now What?. I'm your host, Brooke Hendrickson.
I'd been living in Boston for the past 8 years, going to school and consequentially exploring life after graduation. I had friends, a full-time job (
with benefits), and was even beginning to not have the entirety of my paycheck go to food and rent. True, I hadn't graduated art school with the goal of becoming a bookseller, but I liked it well enough and I was able to pick up the occasional freelance illustration gig in my spare time. Life was grand! Well, life was adequate at any rate.
Then, a few months back a friend of mine told me that she was moving to New York to attend a graduate program at NYU. She asked if I wanted give up the glamorous life of vision/dental coverage, paid vacation time, and 401k's in order go with her. After what I only can assume was severe head trauma and/or prolonged lack of oxygen to the brain, I said yes.
So here I am in Brooklyn: broke, jobless . . . and yet, hungry for more than just the next pot of ramen noodle. Yes friends, for the first time in a long time I wanna draw, dagnabbit! And so, I humbly submit to you this blog so that I may showcase the fruits of my labor. Lord knows I'll have plenty of time on my hands, so updates should be fairly regular.
New city. New life. Same snarky insight.
[end transmission]