Saturday, June 21, 2014

sketch dump.

This was a quick tablet sketch that I did the other night while I should have been getting ready for bed. Sometimes doodle bears are just more important than getting to sleep on time.

Here's another quickie from back in March that I never shared. When posed with the question of what to do for my first attempt at watercolor in well over a decade, a good friend commanded, "Fennec me, baby." And it was so.

That just reminded me, I really need to get back to learning watercolors!

Friday, January 31, 2014

film poster: ZOEY'S GUIDE TO REAL LIFE (2013)

Here's the poster for the short film ZOEY'S GUIDE TO REAL LIFE (2013), a wry satire of the "mumblecore" genre.

This Matt Barry guy keeps giving me work for some reason.

a late recap.

Just a little update with some drawings I did for a project that didn't quite pan out. Lucky for me (I guess) that means I get to share it. These are four sketches for a poster that I designed last year:

Only three of which made it to the final stage (sorry music man):